Wayhaven Lighthouse
Wayhaven’s lighthouse was one of the first buildings, apart from warehouses, built for the town. With such bustling trade, it was imperative that boats rowing in from the ships anchored past the headland made it to the shore without incident, or they risked having their cargo lost to the depths of the lake.
Nowadays, the lighthouse remains working but offers little more than an interesting tourist destination for the rare few tourists who actually manage to find the hidden little town.
It has seen its fair share of events up on the sweeping cliff, but it remains a silent sentinel, forever watching over the safety of those it has stood alongside for so long
Haley bought the shop only a few years ago but has already transformed it into the centre of Wayhaven’s small population.
Not only selling the best treats for miles around, Haley’s Bakery offers a warm, friendly space for all to gather and relax from the stress of the day. And Haley is always on hand with not only the perfect suggestion of a sweetly baked confection for your mood, but a willing ear to listen to any troubles.

Wayhaven Public Library
The red brick exterior of the Wayhaven Public Library means it blends in well with the other buildings surrounding it—all converted from old warehouses and factories. Though the library has been given a little more care over the years that in its neighbors’. It has been turned into a small but homey space, and has even had a lovely window floor to ceiling window fitted to allow the sunlight to flood the open space inside.
It’s a warm space used by many of the townspeople, run mostly by volunteers. It’s also a space that can be rented for events such as charity events, blood drives, and even birthday parties!

Laycott’s Bar and Grill has been an establishment in Wayhaven for as long as anyone can remember—which is odd considering it’s only been open around 40 years.
Providing about the only night time entertainment in the small town, it’s as popular as you can imagine. Whether you’re interested in darts, pool, quizzes, or just there for a drink, Laycott’s has it all…as long as you only enjoy one of those things, of course.
At least it offers a good variety of food on the menu. Chen, the current owner of the grill, is trained in a variety of cooking styles as that’s where his love truly lies. From restaurant quality meals to greasy pub food, you will be well-catered for at this popular Wayhaven destination.

The docks of Wayhaven were once the centre of its hustle and bustle. It was the space where perishable goods came in before being processed and stacked in the many cool warehouses for later shipping to the surrounding near towns.
Yummy wares of all kinds have passed across the once rickety wooden docks. As the shipments grew, the docks were strengthened with steel and concrete. But seagulls are the only remnants of the days when ships laden with luxurious foods bobbed happily in this sheltered inlet.
Nowadays, the docks make for a lovely water-view walk in the day, and a slightly less lovely walk on an evening with the patrons of The Seagull’s Cry pouring out of its alcohol-stained doorway.

Once, the trees that bordered Wayhaven were sparse. Speckled through the carpet of meadows that made the road into Wayhaven far more welcoming.
Nowadays, the town almost feels cut off from the world behind the barrier of dense trees that form a wall. The road, although well maintained, is always on the brink of being overrun by the army of firs that constantly press against its borders.
But as menacing as it may appear to outsiders, those in Wayhaven know the forest is a place of peace and escape. Its home to flora and fauna enough to provide hours of exploration. Its cool canopy is perfect for the summer, and the perfect scene of winter perfection in the snowy months.
It’s another part of the townspeople’s home that they all hold so dear.

The very heart and centre of Wayhaven is The Square. It has changed very little since the town grew around it after most of factories closed and the docks grew quiet.
Making up the four sides of the square and facing towards the green are rows of quaint shops and essential buildings, including Haley’s Bakery, the Post Office, Rooted Craft, and the bank. Rent may be expensive, but this is highly sought after retail space.
Made up of cobblestone streets that surround a beautiful green space canopied by a magnificent hazel tree, it is idyllic in all seasons. During festivals and holidays, The Square is always decorated to show its best: Spring offers egg hunts and beautiful boughs of wisteria, Summer provides marquees and craft stalls to provide respite from the heat, Fall is a flush of umbers and golds as the streets are made cosy with bushels of wheat and displays of pumpkins, and Winter is a glittering display of snowy specials!
Wayhaven wouldn’t be the same without the essential community space.

Moonlight highlights figures who linger here, revealing their acts to all who may look up to the clifftop from the cove below.
Thankfully, the most nefarious activities that happen at Foxglove Grove tend to be bringing the wrong type of wine to go with your picnic nibbles!
The Grove was once a quiet place for people to reflect on life and enjoy the serenity of this foxglove-speckled clearing near the clifftops of Wayhaven. Nowadays, it is a public picnic spot that is filled more with the scent of barbecue and al-fresco rather than the delicate aroma of flowers.
A popular tourist spot for those who can find it, and a very popular romantic spot for couples who stumble upon it.

The Seagull’s Cry pub is a well-used establishment by Wayhaven’s remaining dock workers. At the end of a day of heavy lifting, the workers can be sure of a hearty drink and a never-changing environment. The interior of the heavy wood-panelled pub has been the same since it was established so long ago—a fact that can be seen by the numerous scuffs, dents, and marks that tarnish the creaking furniture.
But, for as much as it may be in desperate need of renovation, it still provides the perfect, unchanging respite for those who need it most.

Hollow's Peak
Spreading out from the cemetery is Hollow’s Peak, its neighbouring graveyard already giving it a rather eerie feel even before you step into the moody shadows that brood down from the guard of trees that surround this clearing.
But even with its spooky atmosphere, the large open space so near town makes for the perfect place to hold many gatherings and events that are too big for the towns central Square.
Enjoy farmer’s markets, ice rinks, concerts, and even the occasional travelling carnival all held at Hollow’s Peak!

The Community Centre
Wayhaven’s Community Centre is a more recent building—one of the few purpose built for its use rather than being transformed from an old warehouse.
It has been the location for many of the town’s most favourite events and also some memorable ones that didn’t go quite to plan (the Stewart’s anniversary picnic from a few years ago that ended in fire and panic springs to mind).
But it is open to everyone and anyone who wishes to hire it for any reason they may need…as long as the insurance has been paid.

Built as the residential space of those who originally founded the town, The Cornerstones has remained the occupancy of the more influential and affluent members of Wayhaven.
Not only do the houses here stand out for their size and grandeur, but also for their uniqueness against the rest of the town's architecture—formed mostly from the skeletons of the redbrick warehouses that played a key role in the function of the busy docks.
The set of large ornate iron gates that lead into this section of town remain open and have almost seemed to rust into place, but the distinction between this area of Wayhaven and the rest is obvious enough without the need of closed gates to cement it.

A building as old as the items it contains, Rooted Craft is nestled between the (rather boring) pharmacy and (rarely-used) estate agents, meaning its polished dark wood frontage with ivy and honeysuckle tumbling dreamily down around it stands out like a flower amongst weeds.
After being split and turned into a retail space when its life as a factory was done, this shop has always sold the more pricey items, though these days there's a focus on antiques. It's been in the same family for three generations, each one adding their mark onto the store and what they sell.
But what is obvious throughout its long life is that this store is loved by all for its mysterious air as well as all the fascinating objects that lie inside just waiting to have their stories discovered…

The Town Hall
Sitting beside the library—a space often used for social events—makes this small set of buildings where the Town Hall is placed feel almost as much a heart of the community as The Square does.
Converted from an older building, later decorations were added to the plain red brick structure to make it feel more welcoming: stone plaques carved with braided patterns, a couple of soaring columns that mark either side of the entrance, and windows etched with floral designs rather than simple glass panels. Because of this, it is likely the most 'prettified' building in town, and a fan with the few tourists who manage to stumble upon the small out of the way town.
It doesn't see as much activity as it did when the town first came into being—The Square being the favoured place to bring the town together now—but it still sits as a building that inspires awe in those who look upon it.

Over time, as the warehouses in Wayhaven fell into disuse and the docks became used more for fun than for commerce, the residents needed somewhere green in town, Rivett Pond and Grounds was formed.
Landscaped atop of an old waste mountain used by the warehouses, the eyesore was transformed into a beautiful space with a rippling pond dotted with golden koi and paths that meander through green spaces bordered with beds of lush fragrant flowers.
...Just be careful of the occasional shift in the ground as the lingering presence beneath continues to make itself known.
The warehouse, once a dilapidated ruin of industry, is now a warm home filled with...vampires.
Magical wards protect the building, making it and the grounds appear abandoned still, but the reality is a whole other matter. Filled with dozens of rooms that only seem to keep growing, there is space enough for everyone who lives inside, as well as having communal spaces for Unit Bravo to enjoy time together!

Another building converted from a dilapidated warehouse, The Fire Station is at the heart of town conveniently placed near the Police Station. Much of it is an open, modern space with all the needed conveniences dotted about regularly with all the luxuries that The Fire Station's mascot, Dylan the Golden Retriever would ever need.
The Big City, the closest city to Wayhaven though still quite a drive, is a bustling, overcrowded place that is home to as many supernaturals as people, it would seem.
Many supernaturals find it easier to blend in with human society in places where so many crush together and barely take note of each other. This has led to many supernaturals growing in confidence and making deals with Rogue Supernaturals and Trappers alike for a variety of reasons in order to gain money and fame.
It is a confusing maze of towering skyscrapers that weave amongst old shops that cling to life amongst the mega, concrete monstrosities.